Here’s the people I don’t want to interact w/ me and things you should know before you follow!


Don’t fucking interact with me if
- Basic DNI’S, pro shippers, homo/transphobic, Dream stan, Ai “artists”, nsfw acc’s, under 13, mainly a just not good person- :/


I may post stuff that can be triggering or just uncomfortable so read this before you follow me:
-I will draw trans top surgery scars
-maybe will draw blood
-won’t trigger warn for caps or cussing
-may vent BUT will add the triggers always
-bugs and snakes, ( I have many pets )
Other than that:
-I will tweet about my interests also ( may include Ranboo, Qsmp, other cc’s idk lots of other things- )
-I use tone tags sometimes
-Art posting schedules are VERY inconsistent-
-I’m young, I’m going to make mistakes- just tell me if I do.

Thx for reading :}

Thanks for reading and I really hope you listen to it- I thank almost anyone for there interactions it means a lot :> ( I also won’t be afraid to block people if your weird. )